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Thursday, October 20, 2005


October 22, 2005
Orchard Hills Athletic Club

Lancaster, MA

WOW!! Did we have a great time at this certification!! We all arrived to find the room FREEZING cold, but we quickly warmed it up working that form and technique. Soon after, it was time to party TK style. First taste at getting to learn TurboKick's Round 24 was at about 11am. Had a great time as some veteran TK'ers arrived to have some fun.

This grouped worked HARD! I had a blast and hope they did too!! This will be one of my favorite certifications!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Everything Turbo and PiYo!

Welcome to Christine's Blog Spot! This is a very exciting time where Powder Blue Productions, the creators of TurboKick, PiYo, and sweeping across the nation!

I welcome you to post any comments, share ideas, and ask as many questions as you have.
we are all here with the same common goal, to get healthy and have FUN while doing it!

This website will be updated frequently with my teaching schedule and locations, my dates and locations for certifications, master classes, TIPS, as well as an active location how how to jump into teaching TK or PiYo.
Again, I encourage you ask/post any request you might have to make this site better and more informative.

Thank you for visting, and Let's get this party started!!!