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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Time Management Tips

Time is one of our most valuable possessions; and once it’s lost we can’t get it back.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but it is up to us on whether we utilize it effectively or not.  Here are some tips for time management, and some specific ones for those who work from home to help you be most efficient and productive with your time.

Sunday Night Strategy Session

Sometime each Sunday afternoon/evening take about 30 minutes to create and agenda and get my week in order.  Put all the kids/family/personal appointments/sports practices on the calendar. Add in your appointments, conference calls and exercise. Plan your dinner menu based on what you have going on each evening.  Creating an organized a weekly agenda can make a huge impact in your productivity.

Make a daily To-do List ~ with Purpose

Keep an electronic list or notebook by your computer always with your goals and to-do lists in it, all in one place for work and personal to do items. Whenever you go to your computer, have a definite purpose in mind.  This helps prevent you from aimlessly checking email or surfing the net and getting lost. Know what you need to accomplish, write it down, do it, and move on to the next activity.

Establish Work Hours ~ and stick to them

This is REALLY important if you work from home! Establish hours that work for you, your clients, and your family and stick with them. They don’t have to be the same every day, but set them. If you have set your work hours for today to be from 9-12, then you don’t do housework during that time. Avoid the temptation to watch Oprah during this time – unless you schedule it into your day. (Of course, there is nothing wrong with running the dishwasher or dryer while you work – that is the ultimate benefit of working from home).

Having a routine for your household chores and business activities can really help with time management. When you have a good routine, you can do things without thinking, and they always take up less time that way. Keep your routines written down until they're memorized. Use an organizing calendar or digital system...whatever works best for you. Make sure everyone else in your household knows the basics of your routine so that things flow more smoothly.

Analyze your activities ~ Identify time wasters and Outsource possibilities

Think about the steps you engage yourself in with your business and see if those tasks are really paying off for you. A lot of people who work from home do things like join safelists, traffic exchanges and other activities that most internet marketing experts agree are not the best use of your time.

Outsource as many tasks as you can afford. Consider hiring a virtual assistant if you have a lot of administrative tasks. Or pay your kids to do things for you that are age appropriate. Create a carpool with a friend so that you aren’t doing all of the running back and forth with the kids to sports practices. Hire a cleaning service. Barter for administrative help. Have a helper come over to play with your kids. And the list goes on. With a little creativity, you can save yourself A LOT of time and stress.  Some can even be a tax deductible expense. Check with your accountant.

Eliminate complete time wasters like the TV, chatting with friends etc during your work hours.

Think Assembly Line for Efficiency

Group similar activities together. Don't check your email all day, check it two or 3 times a day (at most) and answer all the emails at the same time. When you want to make changes to your website, list them all and wait until you need to make several changes at once. Run all your errands at once.  When one child asks for a story gather them all around. Same thing for snacks.

Utilize Technology

Get wireless internet and a laptop if at all possible. This can make a drastic improvement in your ability to work online around your children. You can sit on the front porch and work on your website while your kids play in the yard. Or you can drop them off at a friend's house and head to Starbucks and get online!

Use autoresponders, mailing lists and other resources to automate your business. If you find yourself typing out answers to the same questions over and over again, add pages to your website or create FAQ’s that address those topics and refer your customers or downline or whomever to those.

Use a Timer

A timer has so many uses. You can set it to tell your child when you'll be available for them. Young children have difficulty comprehending time, and the timer will set them at ease so they won't bug for you that entire period.

It also keeps you on track and helps you finish up tasks more quickly. Use it when you're reading email, cleaning house, whenever you want to accomplish something fast.

Set limits

No one person can do everything. Your time and energy is valuable and you need to be firm in setting limits on how you spend it. Don't commit to things that you can't reasonably accomplish. Get enough rest. Learn to say No. Avoid negative people who like to whine.

We're constantly working on time management, but with creativity and good routines, we can have a thriving business and a balanced life.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Secrets to Maximize your Nutrition and Exercise Strategies


"Pay it forward- that's my motto! I'm sharing ALL my secrets for free! Come and take notes on how  you can make your new years resolution last past 30 days!  I'm sharing all of my secrets for free and giving you a step by step plan of action so you can make some serious changes!"

Sign up for 1 of 2 webinars that I will be holding give you a step by step breakdown of what you need to know on setting up your daily/weekly nutrition planning, what you should be eating, as well as WHEN you should be eating to reach your weight loss goals.

Additionally, I will go through the best practices for exercise: how often you should strength train, do cardio, WHEN you should do cardio, how often you should stretch...etc

Additionally- I'll give you my best supplement recommendations from the bars I use, shakes I use, and what I know works!

Why am I doing this?  Why not! If I have the 20 years of experience in the fitness industry as a fitness professional---and can share what I know works, then why wouldn't I want to help you get happier and get the body you want in the new year! 2011 is the year you will say- I finally figured it out and that is what has changed me!



Friday, December 10, 2010

TIPS to survive the Holidays!




The season of holiday hustle and bustle is upon us! I hope this post finds you well and staying focused on your goals even as things get hectic. I just wanted to share a few tips to help keep ya on track amidst being so busy that comes with this time of year. The bottom line is we really need to plan ahead to avoid being caught without enough time to exercise, eat healthy and also relax and enjoy the seasons festivities.

Exercise -
  • Schedule your daily workout and show up just like you would for an appointment.
  • Look for other opportunities to move whenever possible. Stand up and move around while you're on the phone call; and walk to a co-worker's desk instead of emailing him or her.
  • Make sure exercise remains a priority as it can be a great stress reliever. So kill two birds with one stone – stay physically fit and manage stress!
  • Go for a brisk walk or hike after a holiday party or meal. Five minutes of exercise is better than 20 minutes of nothing.
  • Walk faster and carry your own bags while you shop! Save time and burn calories!
Nutrition -
  • Whether you’re shopping or traveling - pack some healthy, portable snacks to take with you before you leave so you're less likely to be tempted by unhealthy options.
  • Eat a little before you go to a holiday gathering; hunger can undo the best intentions.
  • Allow yourself a treat for the special days, but then get back into your healthy routine the next day.
Stress -
  • Think about what really matters during this busy time of year, and plan accordingly.
  • Learn to say "no," in a courteous manner of course! We just can’t do everything, attend every event, etc. Pick and choose what’s best for you and your family and decline the rest.
  • Don’t sacrifice your rest! You need sufficient sleep to be running on a full tank.
  • Make time for the important things – family, friends & fun!
I'd love to hear your tips or thoughts ~ Please share!
