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Thursday, December 29, 2011

5 TIPS on Achieving Your Goals This Year Without Making a Resolution

The New Year is approaching and you may be thinking of New Year’s resolutions. On average, the success rate on follow through it quite low. So instead, start thinking about where you are now and where you want to be. You still will be making a plan of action, but don’t call it a “resolution”. Set measurable and achievable goals to get on track and keep on track.
Plan – then take action to make it happen!
Don’t you find that it’s easy to sit down and make the plan of action, but then implementing and following through each day, you start to lose steam or have “make up task” days?
Written goals provide you clarity of direction that set you, your business, and your movement towards your goals up for success. But, it’s your commitment to take action and to keep following through to actually make things happen. One of the biggest areas where people de-rail their efforts they wrote down on paper, is setting to LARGE of a goal or task item to-do list each day. Best advice, is to break it up!! Big pie in the sky dream goals are good to have for the upcoming year, but break it down to week by week, and then day by day to-do list. General rule of thumb, is to create a TOP 3 list each day, and do that no matter what!! They all don’t have to be extensive and elaborate, but just a step in motion moving forward.
You may know where you want to go but realistically, without taking time out to make a written plan or map of how to get there, you are losing valuable time to actually reach it!
Below are my TOP tips on making a plan of action and to-do list that will actually have you feeling successful as opposed to as a guilty failure.
1) Make your plan something you want to do!
Too many times people make a list of what they SHOULD be doing because someone else says they should or they think that is the right thing to do. Define, what you are most passionate about, what you are most talented in, and set the plan to focus more on tasks that involve those things. You will be more likely to follow through.
2) Pick Something You Can Do Easily
Ask yourself if your plan is realistic and achievable for you right now. Evaluate realistically where your current obligations are in your life, and how your new action items can fit in for success. If you think it’s going to be too hard to stick to your plan, change it so that you’re likely to succeed.
3) Be Action-Specific
Specify exactly what is it that you’re going to do. Measurable action goals are a way for you to actively keep working on them in motion. You feel yourself doing and completing it as opposed to a wish list of “I’m gonna”. Set your action goals with measurable notches.
4) Set Measurable Goals
Defining a goal without a mark of deadline, quantity, or risk is still a wish list. There is no gage or mark of achievement. Be specific with your goals when you have them broken down in years, months, and days. For example, in business you may have a monthly goal to sign up 10 new customers. Breaking that down even further into the weeks will help you keep a measurable rate as the month nears it’s end. So your goal for the week may be to speak with 20 people. We all know the law of averages with success rates. If your goal is 10 new customers a month, you surely need to speak with almost 100 people to nail that goal as achieved.
If you have a goal each week of 20 people, then now break it down to your working days, and how many people will you be speaking with on those days to ensure you at least hit your 20 per week.
Weight loss works the same way. You may have 50 lbs you want to lose, but you can’t say at the start, I’m losing 50 lbs. You have to break it down into what will you achieve that month and that week etc.
5) Celebrate and Evaluate
Celebrate and recognize your achievements no matter how small they are! It’s forward progress in reaching your goals!
A strong tip I have suggested to many of my team through the years is to create a note book log. Record what action items, steps, programs etc.. you did during the measurable timeframe. Write down what you didn’t feel went well or was good effective use of your time as well as write down how you can really improve and do things differently or even better next time.
It’s easy to say you will be a huge success, you will lose 50 lbs, you will make the highest award level you can achieve. But, when it comes right down to it, your goal setting, you to-do lists, your action, your commitment and confidence, and your follow through will prove you got what it takes.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Get your Point Across In Business Conversations

Conversations occur constantly in every area of your day-to-day life. Sometimes we don’t even notice how many interactions or conversations we had by the days end, but they are happening. What may start out as workplace small talk could potentially become a huge step and growth in your career or even a new opportunity.
When promoting your services or business, a higher level of professionalism may be expected. So being authentic and genuine should be your number one skill but also having a balance of being forthright and directive.
While we can’ t have every possible interaction or conversation you may have or encounter, here are some key points as you look to polish your interpersonal and communication skills and, at the same time, become more authentic in your delivery.
1) Get more information before making a statement. Don’t jump in too fast with your “I know for a facts” and Statements to prove their point is incorrect. Careful not to jump to conclusions. Pause, and ask another question to either get more information for a full understanding of their position or to have them expand so you can gain more understanding.
2) Keep everyone focused on the point, goal and intention. Create common ground on which to share your perspective. This will help people maintain understanding, stay on point with the topic, and to not hit any “hot buttons” that may turn the conversation into a spiraling combustion!
3) Be sure to inquire more than advocate for your position or view!Many times conversations can steer into the wrong direction, or completely in a way you didn’t have planned. Many of the times this can happen if you take a strong stance advocating your position rather than taking the time to ask questions and to see their position or their needs. Stay humble. You may be right, but right in your own mind. There’s always two sides of the coin.
4) Lay it on the Line. Be REAL and authentic! Telling people that you are new, you don’t know all the details yet, you are a work in progress, etc..only shows your authenticity. Honesty shows you are humble, and the conversation will allow people to connect more with you when you come across “human”.
5) Develop a reputation of being a good listener. Be careful to not jump in with the “me too’s” or “you gotta hear when this happened to me”. People are interested in one major person when speaking, and it’s always themselves. To develop better relationships with your clients or soon to be clients, bite your tongue. No need to jump in and fill every pause. Really listen to what they say and respond with a question which will develop and stem off of their previous statements.
6) Be a problem solver. You don’t always need to get a result, sale, or a paid service in your conversations. Listening to your customers needs, and being a problem helper or solver will create a strong bond and relationship. Your solution may not even be one that you can provide for them. Just be that person who is genuine and will recommend or help even if it doesn’t directly benefit you.
7) Develop your Small Talk. “Nice weather we’re having” can get old real fast. Start to develop your initial small talk more than the obvious. You can use your surroundings, kids, something in common, or a compliment. Everyone likes to feel valued. Even if you know everything in the area, maybe ask for their opinion, or suggestions, or advice on the situation. I.e.: Have you eaten at this restaurant before? What is the number one item I should not miss?
Developing your conversational skills is just that, a skill. To some people, it comes a lot easier. Even chatty Kathy’s aren’t always successful at this, just because they are outgoing and chatty. Having a point, directing the conversation with leading questions, and having a genuine interest in helping them in their needs will help you develop stronger relationships and a new following.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Working Out Your WillPower

We are faced with battling our willpower everyday. As soon as the alarm goes off, you are faced with many choices of will. Do you hit the snooze alarm, do you skip choosing a quick sugar filled breakfast for something healthy, do you skip the double mocha latte with whip and go for the plain coffee, Do you finish following through this major task for work or jump on facebook, and Do you choose to get a chicken salad hold the dressing or get that Turkey club complete with bacon! The list goes on! All day we are battling our will just to make better choices, ones that should be moving us towards our goals, keep us healthy, as well as form to what should be the best decision according to society standards.
Does it make you cranky? Sure can! It’s exhausting at times to constantly be fighting temptation. Over and over again, it surely can start to chip away at your willpower and before you know it, BOOM; you’ve given in by allowing your priorities to crash and good choices fly out the window!
But great news is that research as proven that willpower works just like a muscle! Overtrain/work your willpower just like a muscle, it falls into fatigue. But, on the opposite scope of it all, it can be strengthened making you more productive and happier with your choices and results. Below are some habits you can use to help create strength in your willpower and not allow yourself to hit that wall.
1) Write it Down!– Keep a journal that you can keep daily notes and tracking on how you perform or scheduled your day. Whether it’s for weight loss and keeping track of your daily meal plan and exercise to following through on business building techniques for your business. This is a way to track back. So if in times where you start to fall short or hit a wall, you can track back to when things were good and progressing.
2) Don’t Procrastinate! – When you procrastinate on a task or get anxious, research has shown we tend to give into an urge to improve our moods by doing something else. One suggested book to read is Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy. Suck it up, and get the hardest most daunting task done first!
3) Be on the OFFENSE team! – Many people are successful at making good choices and not constantly battling their will because they put themselves in situations where temptation isn’t even a choice. If you can proactively arrange your day and your life to avoid problems or bad choices in temptation, you will have a much smoother day with sticking to your plan in action. If you are trying to lose weight, plan your meals for the day and don’t fall into the lunchtime crew heading out to the all you can eat buffet! If you are working on habitual for jumping back and forth between email, twitter, and facebook to avoid a work assignment, close those programs or shut the computer down if possible! People who are proactive avoid risk. Just like taking your car in for check up and maintenance.
4) Pick your Battles! – You can’t control every situation or every temptation in front of you. It’s easy to fall into a trap where everything just goes to “pot” because you are stressed out with too many situations, obligations, and tasks! Choose your timing! If you are just starting a new job, trying to lose weight, and trying to quit smoking, maybe lighten up on how strict your efforts are while you take on such a major change in your life. Keep that forward progress but maybe put the breaks or slow down on the pace.
5) Reward yourself often! – People love incentives. Your reward doesn’t always have to be like a kid in a candy store. Making good choices on your rewards can be as simple as doing something you normal don’t have the chance to do, like a massage or pedicure. Or even schedule a babysitter so you can go out for a couple hours and do anything you want. It can even be having a day or meal where you take in some of the most desired treats you have been cutting back.
Success in your goals and achievements is planned. It’s a plan laid out like a blue print. You can’t build a house, unless you have a blue print. Work on creating habits that won’t leave you agitated and fighting with yourself every day. Find a way where it’s reasonable, takes maybe a different pace than you initially wanted, but will lay out a plan for success.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

How to Get Started and Build Your Small Business Network

In this interview with Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody, I have the opportunity to answer some questions that many small business owners struggle with in getting started and growing their home businesses.
Getting started in a home business does require marketing, scheduling, and following through on business building tasks that will grow your business daily. It's easy to let a day go by, and fail to make motions in your business. Managing your schedule as well as following through with your follow ups is two pivotal steps in growth.
In this interview you will hear how I personally got started in my multi level marketing home business.  Putting this business in front of the people who are closest to you, that you have had relationships with for years, as well as just know by acquaintance or referral.
The more people you can interact with, even if you don't know them, is the only way to grow your business as well as to impact other people's lives. The impact you can make on someone else's life in helping them reach their goals is a step that many people don't take advantage of or see they have the ability to do. But, we are all the same. We all just want to have companionship, accountability, support, and a pat on the head to know that we are valued and that we are doing a good job.

Follow me on facebook if you want to have daily motivation and business building tips for your own home business
Please also comment below on what your best TAKE AWAY is from this video and what you would like to see more of.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

DON'T FREAK OUT! Consistency for Small Business Growth

Why is consistency important in small business growth? Especially a small home business? It's not only the important but the cornerstone! It also translates into all areas of your life!
Being in the health and wellness industry, I am guilty of the exact same feelings of discouragement and wanting to throw the towel in when I don't see immediate results!  All that focused planning of my food, intake, and exercise, why can't I be at a lean ripped up machine in just a matter of a couple days?  Honestly, I always notice that my body doesn't change much, weigh different, or really "see" the efforts of my labor until the 14th day!  Weird, I wake up on the 14th day, and boom, I can see it!
Or how about the time where I started washing dishes in my hometown restaurant when I REALLY wanted to be a "bus girl." Even though I didn't get tips being a bus girl, it just allowed me to have that feeling of success and not being the one trapped in a hot kitchen scraping uneaten food off of plates and throwing them in the wash. My time did finally come to graduate into the main dining where I could finally dress in a black skirt and white shirt, and the white shirt would actually stay white!  But I had to put a ton of effort, prove my skills, prove my work ethic, prove my determination for growth, prove I am the girl to move!
Why is your home business any different than any other venture of growth in your life?
There is no difference! Why would you decide to make a big change in your life, one that will improve the quality of your life, invest time, money, and stress in the efforts of getting started then do nothing or drop off because the growth of your business isn't happening when you want it to?  Only you can answer that question for yourself, yet so many people do just this.
No business should be treated like a hobby and especially your own business you must take it seriously and be consistent on a daily basis.  Don’t think that things will happen overnight it takes time and committing yourself.
I hear many times from people working on developing their business say, “I tried that it didn’t work” or "I don't have upline support." Most often time it's easier to put the blame on someone else or even put the blame on the business model itself.
But what it really boils down to is consistency. Doing the right activity over and over.  Now we have to be realistic!  You can't expect to see life changing results in a matter of a couple months.  There is no possible way but you must be persistent and consistent. Because just like riding a bike, it's tough to get the bike rolling as you start to pedal, but once you are rolling it's rolling with less effort! But as soon as you hit the breaks and stop, to get rolling again is tough! Sometimes you may even be caught in the middle of a steep hill!
I run with the motto, "Things always work out in the end". I'd be honest in saying I don't stress out about meeting deadlines, meeting challenges, and even meeting the personal quota and goals I set each month. Even when the month starts to near it's end, my stress level starts to rise and I start working even more on activity to produce the results I'd like.  But what I find happens, is that because I was consistent, never putting the breaks on for the months leading up to the end of this month, the breadcrumbs and efforts I was laying down the whole time turns around and pays off.
Here are some suggestions to ensuring your activity is productive and not just a matter of busy work that you keep fooling yourself with.

1) Set a 90 day activity journal.  Record your activity for 3 months, as well as the productivity.  If you are failing to see the fruition of the efforts you laid down in the beginning of the 90 days come around at the end of the 90 days, time to re-evaluate your activity.

2) Re-Evaluate your Daily/Weekly/Monthly Schedule - It's easy to be busy. But being busy with activity that fills your time producing no results will only frustrate you.  Use a calendar to schedule out your appointments of work and activity on each day and follow it! Be sure to move on to the next scheduled task that is on your schedule.

3) Don't be Scared to Ask for an Honest Opinion! - After being diligent in your efforts of work and activity, find your mentor, sponsor, or direct manager and ask for some constructive feedback.  As hard as that pill is to take, someone that you have in this position above you should be able to deliver just the news you need to hear while giving you that drive and determination to make those changes for a better result.
As more is learned about your efforts, schedule, and areas needed for improvement, more of the inefficiency is removed, exposing that still more can be learned — and so on — creating an ever increasing spiral of productivity and results. But that can’t happen without consistency.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to Start Running! I am not a Runner, I just Play one!

I am NOT a runner and by no means, will I claim to be an expert! BUT, what I will have to share is the aspect of just getting out there, no excuses, and just following through.
When it comes right down to it, when I am sitting comfortable in my chair, and I say in my head, “I’m gonna go running”, there’s a SMALL window that can easily derail my efforts.  Being careful to not sit down at my computer, if taking too long to figure out how to get Pandora to work on my iPhone, or even just not finding the perfect pair of sneakers, all can be an easy excuse for me to say- Oh well! I just won’t go. I WISH I established that “runner’s high!” What is that? HOW do you actually get that, can I buy it so this becomes easier???
I have decided to start my days at least with a quick jog around the block. Cross Training is very important, especially when your body gets used to doing the same type of work outs all the time.  I’m normally not a runner, I really should be saying jogger. To be very candid and honest, most of the time it’s because I just hate getting those shin splints and so sore!
So in my ventures to stick this out and start “jogging” more, I started to do some research on how to avoid those shin splints. I have found I tend to be a heel strike runner. Eh, that’s what I get for being a novice! And after watching many training videos on how to land more on your ball of your foot and roll onto your toes, it just doesn’t come that easy. I could have SWORN my high school track teacher says long distance runners run heel/toe and sprinters run on their toes. Well, we know I’m not going out for any records, so feel comfortable on the heel. But, those darn shin splints come fast!
So I watched videos, read articles, and they suggest landing on the ball and rolling off to toes.  I understand this will take practice, just like everything does, but the morning I ran this way I felt slower, it was harder because I had to keep thinking, “Stay off your heel”, “don’t point your toes” “just land neutral” “just be loosey goosey”….seriously, everything was rolling through my head to try and make that happen.  Eh, not sure if I succeeded or not, but I did wake up the next day with my shins and calves more sore. Could it be because of 2 days running in a row or because of my challenge in foot position?
My 3rd day, I snapped some pics while running, and what do you know, the proof is in the picture. 
I’ll keep working at it. It’s something I know I just have to keep practicing. As with everything, you will get better with practice, and I may just find that I might practice this so much, I may actually start to enjoy this!
Well, to tell the truth, I should whisper and tell ya, It’s actually been kind of enjoyable!”
I grew up in a small country town in upstate NY. To find myself in a place where I have been able to actually enjoy my scenery, and put myself back into the world of nature that I actually enjoy, has been nice!  I have been able to figure out that Pandora account on my iPhone, take in the lush scenery around me, get some sun in which I enjoy, and feel good about actually following through with doing what I said I would do!
What is really cool is living in an area that brings me joy! All the things that I have been building up to, and finding a moment of peace in my day to take in the scenery, enjoy the sun, listen to my favorite tunes, and not feel the pressure of constantly feeling like I should be doing something for work or for someone else.
I enjoy that the park across from my road and is the same name as my father’s name. I look forward to seeing that everyday as a mark of completion.
These are my moments, and I should protect them.  Who know’s if I’ll ever become a “runner”, but just to enjoy something different for a moment has been nice!  Being able to step out of my comfort zone and to be vulnerable as a novice.  There is no excuse.  Even if you only have a spare moment in time to do something quick for your work out, those 10-15 mins is better than nothing.  No excuses! You have your gym equipment. You have your gym membership. It’s free.  Just open your front door and go! Squats, walking lunges, and push ups are an extra BONUS!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

5 Unhealthy Diet Foods that Can Make You Gain Weight

Eating healthy and finally deciding to take charge of your health and fitness is a great step in achieving the fountain of youth and quality of life!  It’s a fact! People who are fitter and healthier are happier!  A quality diet is essential for good health, but as s novice jumping into this so-called healthy food world, you can easily be fooled. Just jumping into the world of “diet” food conjures up feelings and thoughts of negativity.  My mother use to think that whenever she had to drop some pounds, she would have to eat grapefruit, cottage cheese, and lettuce for all of her meals.  Doing is surely a way to set yourself up for failure in the long run.  That’s not a normal daily diet, and is a quick temporary fix.
Be careful about the so-called diet healthy food.  Companies know how to fool their consumers with just a play on words. Check out some of the common words that easily fools someone into reaching for this so-called healthier version:
  • Fat Free
  • Reduced Fat
  • Low Fat
  • Sugar Free
  • No Added Sugar
  • Diet
We easily can believe that these foods in this category are healthier and the version we should choose, right?  This is an easy mistake to make.
Typically, those words cover up the real story of what is hidden: Full of Sugar, Chemicals, High Carbs, High glycemic index….I could go on!
Think about candy.  Isn’t sugary candy like starbursts, lollypops, jellybeans etc fat free? Why yes! But it’s loaded with artificial ingredients and sugar!
Check out some of the so-called diet good for you items that we so easily get wrapped up in using:
1) Diet Soda – Fewer calories and sugar yes, but research has shown that dieters actually gain weight when drinking this for long periods of time.
2) Smoothies – If you can blend it, it must be good for you, right? Wrong! How many calories are in that smoothie? Sometimes you choose items to add that have high levels of sugar, fat, and calories. It all adds up!
3) Pre-Packaged Frozen Diet meals – Easy for you to heat and eat, but loaded with sodium! These types of foods need artificial preservatives, that’s why they are in long term freezer storage!
4) Yogurt!  Most common choice of yogurt is loaded with calories, sugar, and fruit!
5) Popcorn!  - What? Popcorn is in the category?  Most often times people pop the 3 or more serving bags, and then eat it all! They are loaded with calories, sodium, and preservatives. Stay clear.
General rule of thumb is to choose fresh foods with limited processing.  If you stay simple with your food choices, you will get greater healthier results. Stick to lean meats cooked grilled, baked, or broiled. Fresh vegetables and fruits. And always remember to keep an eye on serving and portion sizes.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

5 Successful People Who Failed Horribly in Their Journey

"I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." – Thomas Edison

Having success will take you time and effort. And SURE, many times you will fail before you are even successful.  Ask just about anybody who has become successful if they have ever failed in their journey towards acheiving their goals or dreams. Chances are you will get quite a few great stores and laughs at many of their failed attempts.
The difference between long-term success and failure is your reaction to it.  People who lead, are determined for success, accept it and learn from it.  Simple fact:
Failure happens. Live with it. Learn from it. Move on from it.

Your view of failure doesn't need to change or be avoided. Think of it this way, it's a chance to learn something that does not work!

If you're struggling in your online business, don't be afraid to try things that are “new” “different” or even go against the traditional approach of an online business.  The worst thing that can happen is failure… which is just a chance to learn and grow.

Proof in the point!  Here are a list of 5 hugely successful people, in which, all of them failed.  Of course everyone will fail in a small degree, but they all failed in a public and massive degree. Yet, they are viewed as hugely successful people because of their success and their ability to bounce back.

Bill Gates: Dropped out of Harvard and started a failed first business with Microsoft and co-founder Paul Allen called Traf-O-Data. While their initial idea wasn't successful, Gates' later work did, creating the global empire that is Microsoft.

Walt Disney: HUGE success today as it brings in billions from merchandise, movies and their theme parks around the world, but it wasn't an easy start. Disney got fired by a newspaper editor because the editor felt he lacked imagination and didn't have any good ideas. Later, he started a number of businesses that didn't work or last and most ended with bankruptcy and failure. He never gave up, and the rest is history!

Elvis Presley: One of the best-selling artists of all time, Elvis has become a household name even years after his death. But back in 1954, He was still a nobody and even got fired from the Grand Ole Opry after just one performance.  He was told: "You ain't goin' nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin' a truck."

Oprah Winfrey: Most people wouldn't even know she had success a history of struggle because of her grand success these days in TV and other sources of media.  She's even one of the richest and most successful women in the world. She endured a rough road and often abusive childhood as well as numerous career setbacks including being fired from her job as a television reporter because she was "unfit for tv."

Babe Ruth: Can't even imagine someone not knowing his name or his success because of his home run record (714 during his career).  But of course, along with all those home runs came a long list of strikeouts as well (1,330 in all). Actually, for decades he held the record for strikeouts. When asked about this he simply said, "Every strike brings me closer to the next home run."

It’s just impossible for someone who has a fear of failure to achieve anything, because they have never tried. Never gave themselves the opportunity to succeed.

It is in doing, trying, and experiencing things you never did before that you grow and develop into success. Through practice you get better and better at the things you do.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Top 3 Tips to Start Your Day in your Home Business

Learn my top 3 tips on what you should do to start your mornings started off right and most effective in your home business.

1) Get Organized!
2) Make an action item or to-do list
3) Schedule when you will check email

Many times people who own their own business get caught up and distracted by the comforts of home or the chores of home. Your daily commute and prep time has been cut down to a seconds, or minutes, depending on how far your bedroom is to your home office space. ;)
Start each day with these suggestions, and you will be marked and planned to move through your action items with progress in growing your own home business.

Be sure to comment below and let me know your getting started tips for each day as well as what other topics you would like to see featured.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to Fit in Working Out When You are TOO BUSY?

Fact- You are NOT too busy, you just haven’t scheduled in the time to work out or you haven’t made it a priority in your life. It’s just an excuse, and first thing you have to do, is admit that you are making excuses. I think nowadays, we can all have an argument on who is busier than whom, correct?
I have had many directions and obstacles in my life that could easily be used as an excuse as to why I wasn’t working out. I used to travel nationally/internationally. Flying all day, working all day in an unknown environment, eating out every day; easy recipe to just go back to the hotel and watch tv.
I have had 2 babies, both via c-section all while working 2 full time jobs, 1 managing and developing 60 fitness professionals for a major fitness company and the other was starting up my home business JC Dwyer, Inc where I’m working in creating a monster downline and achievement in the Team Beachbody home business. I was also scheduling and presenting trainings on weekends (3rd job) and so much more! Was that an excuse, could be, but wasn’t.

I’m going to be honest, I personally don’t LOVE working out all the time. I’ll be VERY honest. If it wasn’t for me teaching group exercise, working for fitness celebrity Chalene Johnson, and being a fitness and health coach with the Team Beachbody business, I probably wouldn’t think to work out as much.
But even if those things aren’t your goals or even have the opportunity to do that, you don’t have to believe that’s what you have to do, to do it. You may just need to find the reason for accountability. Because, that is one of mine.

Recently, I moved from upstate Rochester NY to outside of Dallas TX. Family of 4, driving 2 separate vehicles, 1500 miles. My 2 toddlers always wanted to ride in mommies car, which I loved =). But moving across country, away from the state you have always known, the life you developed, comforts of home- is stressful and exhausting.
I didn’t schedule in working out. Left it up to it would only be a couple days, I’ll get back into it. But the struggles of waiting to get into your new home, closing, getting the your stuff moved in from the truck, putting it away can easily be an excuse to not fit in exercise. I did just that! Didn’t schedule it and left it up to how I felt that day and if I had time to work out.
I’m now faced with no classes to teach for group exercise! That was an EASY way for me to have it on schedule, I had to teach other people! It’s up in my hands now.

After 1 week of packing up, traveling across country, unpacking some, I finally scheduled a work out.
It felt horrible! I wanted to quit so many times, but I had to follow through and just do it, because it’s that important.

So the moral of this is, schedule it! Life is busy! You can easily let it take over you! If you work for someone else, work from home, or don’t even have a job, your day can easily escape you and get filled with errands and other people’s requests.
Each day, start with these tips to ensure you fit in exercise:

1) Get your work out gear ready the night before!
2) Make your To-Do list which includes your work out
3) Put it on your actual calendar- schedule the EXACT time you will work out!
4) Set an alarm reminder for 30 mins before your scheduled time
5) If you are overwhelmed with things to do when your work out time hits, and you HAVE to do them, change up the length and intensity of your work out to be faster and more intense.

The things you do for other people, the business you build, the meals you make, the errands you run are temporary. How you feel about how you look, your energy level, and your overall positive feeling that you did something for yourself is the fountain of youth. That is longevity, so make it a priority.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are you Scared to Eat?

Do you REALLY believe that when you hear people say, eat more often to lose weight, that it's true? Or do you think, "Well, for other people, but not MY body. I'll gain weight if I actually eat!"

I struggled with this for the greater part of my adult life. Always challenged with eating too much, and gaining weight. When I wanted to lose weight, I was always successful when I barely ate anything or ate many "filler" foods like sugar free jello and salads! But ballooning back up as soon as I ate food again was just around the corner. I have always been into fitness and always had to battle with "looking the part." Being a mesomorph, I would naturally have a stronger more muscular build, but I additionally would hold/gain fat easily if I wasn't too careful.

It has taken me years to figure out how my body works, but mostly in general, how to have my body work for me. I struggled with the concept of eating more often because I didn't understand how to plan my meals and the right amount of protein, carbs, fats and calories I should eat to reach my goals.
I still don't count these grams and ratios exactly but now just match up what I know I should be eating and stay within a calorie range.

You may find some arguments on the myth of eating multiple small mini-meals a day as opposed to the traditional eating three meals a day concept. In my studies and experience, eating 5-6 small meals a day works for most people in achieving their desired body fat goals. Many reasons why this works to be true:

1. You are eating more often so you mentally feel "fuller" and not starving for the next meal
2. Your body is processing food more frequently throughout the day, thus making it "work, thus burning more calories


Some people think of eating 5-6 mini meals a day, but fail to plan and prepare! You can easily fall into the bad trap of eating TOO MUCH each time you eat!

Here are my suggestions to ensure you meet your weight loss goals instead of defeating yourself and going back to the, "scared to eat" problem:

1. Be as planned and prepared as you can to eat 5-6 small meals a day. If you like variety, plan each mini meal to have 2-3 options to choose from each day. Some people prefer the same thing everyday (that's me). It decreases me having to think of what to eat, preparing food, and shopping is easier!
2. Know what your daily caloric intake should be for your body fat goal. For your goal, be sure to know what your maintenance caloric needs are, and then work on decreasing your caloric intake to lose weight up to no more than 2 lbs a week.
3. Start Simple! Avoid being too creative and "fancy" with the preparation of your food, especially if you are just starting out on trying to eat better and to eat more often.
4. Be sure to get enough protein! It's easy to think of fruit, vegetables, and carbs when planning your meals. Each "meal" should involve a protein source
5. Supplement! You don't always have to sit down for a plated meal. Using meal replacement or protein bars or shakes are a great way to "pop" food in so you are fueling the fire in your belly!

More importantly, this isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle. Never "go on a diet", because "going" is an action of forward process where a destination should be reached. Eating to work with your body to tweak out where you want to create and define it is where you may tighten up on your daily diet, but it is just that, a daily nutritional diet.

Exercise is highly critical in developing a strong body as you work to define it, but that's a whole other topic! =)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Stretch Much?

Ok, so maybe Stretch Armstrong is a little stretch of the imagination of how flexible we may be, but ya get the point.  A question I get a lot is how and when to stretch.

There are several different types of stretches, as well as different techniques so I'm not going to dive into the fine detail and definition of all of the possibilities.

Some  common categories of stretching that you can do on your own (without a partner pulling or pushing to create a stretch or force) are ballistic, dynamic, & static.

The first stretch I mentioned, ballistic - don't do it.  It's basically been banned due to the injury possibilities and no   beneficial effect over other, safer, forms of stretching.  Ballistic stretching  is the bouncing type of stretching, where you take the   muscle to near  its limit and then bounce to stretch it further using momentum. For example   reaching  over to touch your toes and bouncing to increase the range even further.   this kind of stretching can injure vital muscles and nerves with the sharp jerking movements.

Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of your body and gradually increasing reach, speed of movement, or both.  There is no bouncing, quick movement or jerking.  It is slow and controlled; such as slow, controlled leg swings, arm swings, or torso twists.

There is also static stretching, which is the most commonly used type of stretch.  This is when you reach into a stretch position, stretching to your farthest point and hold the stretch for a length of time.  You feel a stretch in the 'belly' of the muscle, not in the joints.

So - do you stretch right off the bat before you get going into your workout or sport to get your muscles ready to go? Research shows that stretching immediately before your workout or sport can actually hinder your activity and can even cause injury.

See. there is a difference between warming up and stretching.

Our muscles are like taffy.  If you left a piece of taffy sitting in the cold for a while, then grabbed it and started stretching it - what happens?   SNAP!  But if you warmed it up first, and then started stretching, now we're talking Stretch Armstrong flexibility.

So get warm first.  And warm ups will vary, depending on what you're warming up for.  You may want to mimic the type of activity you're going to be doing, but in a slower, controlled way.  For example with Turbo workouts, the warm up starts out with controlled punches, knee lifts, but some stretching is then integrated in the form of squats, shoulder rolls, etc to get the blood flowing to the major muscle groups as well as to prepare them for what's coming.

Then rock your workout or play your game hard.  And then cool down.

And THEN stretch.  A lot of the studies haven't really confirmed whether stretching prevents injuries or improves performance but may reduce soreness and help with flexibility.  So whatever your reason for stretching - just make sure your body and muscles are warm and you are careful in your technique.

"You're only as young as your spine is flexible."  ~Bob Harper  ;~}

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why aren't you Pursuing your Passion?

"At  least eighty percent of millionaires are self-made. That is, they  started with nothing but ambition and energy, the same way most of us  start."~Brian Tracy

A  VERY common goal with people who are really passionate about something  is that they always want to own their own "show/business". However, more often than not, their  dream and goals never happens and they still keep working for someone else.

So maybe your goal is not to be a millionaire, but to live the life you dream of, to do what is so fulfilling to you, the thing that you think about it all the time, and  would love doing full time.

If you truly desire to be living your dream, whether it will make you financially wealthy or emotionally wealthy - why aren't you?

Some BIG reasons why action is not taken are:

1) Overhead costs

2) High Risk  factor for Failure

3) Lack of Independent Drive/Motion

So then, how can we overcome these obstacles and start moving in the direction of our ultimate dream?
  • Overhead costs - I obviously don't know what your personal dream or vision of doing or becoming is, so I don't know what overhead costs may be involved.

But I do know, that there are many ways to trim costs and keep them down to the bare minimum while you are starting out and building.  Do your research. What do you really need and what can wait?  Find someone who does what you want to do and ask for their tips and direction.  What worked for them and what would they have done differently?  Google ways to cut costs.  Check with your local areas for new business program grants and assistance.
  • High Risk  factor for Failure - Is there truly overwhelming evidence that your dream business is likely to fail? Or is it negative responses like "That will never survive around here", "Somebody else tried that and it went under and they lost everything".  Or is it Fear?  Your own fear of not knowing whether you can pull it off?

Success takes risk.  The highest stock investment returns are on those 'high risk' options.  Write it out.  What's the worst case scenario, and the best case.  What's your plan B.  Is the risk worth it to you?  What is the cost of never fulfilling your vision?  You have to decide.  Know that there will be struggles and even some potential failures along the way - but also know that even a failure is an investment in your learning and growth as you learn from it, correct it and move forward.

Lack of Independent Drive/Motion - So you're your biggest obstacle?  You just don't have the initiative to make motions and move forward?   Why?  You've got to identify why you don't have the burning motivation and drive to start making motions.  Are you a procrastinator?  Do you need direction?  Do you have a plan?  Start by determining your priorities.  Then outline your goals based on those priorities.  Next, make a plan on how you can reach those goals.  Finally, start a to-do list, every day, with items you will do to take you closer to your goals.  Keep moving and making motions.  Each step, however small it may be, is moving you closer to your dream as long as it is in the right direction.

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. Paul Valery

Now go!